Oh no, Mattie got the shopping gene thanks to her mom and Aunts Kellie and Kelsi! We went to Costco and Target last night to get supplies for Kelsi's bridal shower tomorrow and Mattie LOVED it. She was looking around and smiling and kicking her legs. Not sure if she liked all the noise and bright colors or the people or the art of shopping. Her second cousins Maks and Savannah were there and she loves little kids too. She was holding hands with one-year old Savannah and laughing at crazy Maks. I found a stuffed bunny for Easter that giggles when you push on its tummy and she was smiling and laughing so I HAD to get it for her. She is definitely Little Miss Personality and I'm so blessed that I get to be her mom and watch her grow up.
I am so glad she got my shopping gene!