Yesterday was a blah day. I felt terrible for no reason and was (regrettably) short with everyone: my kids; my husband; my dogs. Went to aerobics class solo and there must have been something in the air cause I could feel other women were frustrated and having an un-stellar day too. I enjoyed my workout and pushing my body and mind to their limits. Glad I got up and got out of the house and got moving. Damn inertia makes it hard to get up and get my yass moving sometimes. So workout went great, got home and was nicer to my family. Finn came and asked me, "You happy, Mom?" He'd been giving me hugs and kisses all day and telling me he loved me and this was the first time I really noticed. He is such a sweetheart and he notices my moods and emotions more than I think he does.
Today my kids were playing with a flashlight Star Wars Storm Trooper toy. Finn would shine it onto the coffee table and Mattie would try to grab the light. They were teasing each other and both look at me after they had each done their part and start laughing so hard. Mattie had her bottle sticking out of her mouth and would grin and laugh and make sure we were watching her reaction. Finn was so cute with her and I'm glad they're starting to play well with one another and Finn isn't hitting her every chance he gets. (Sometimes if she's crying due to one of his unwarranted attacks I'll ask him if he hit her, "No, I punch her." Well thanks for clarifying.)
My other favorite part of the day was working out with my bud Jes and being able to get our pump on-yep I just said that-and also have good tear-jerking conversations. I won't go into detail, but just say that Jes is like another sister to me and such a great confidant. I love ya, Jes! Thanks for everything tonight.